Monday, May 23, 2011


The coupons!! One episode of "Extreme Couponing" and I'm hooked. My bestie has been WAGGING (google it) for a while, I just didn't get it! After hours of online research, I realized, for the first time ever, I was not a "first mover." I'm late, and must catch up. I found myself profiling cashiers, searching for "the one" that would help me follow the coupon rules. So I thought about a coupon for my "social" services. When I am "Extreme Couponing" it's fun. There is even adrenaline at the register! The next step is NerdyThirty coupon mania. Needless to say, my FB newsfeed is filled with coupon tricks. Does anyone want a deal on some men's deodorant and shower gel?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's in it for me?

No matter what you are selling, I've seen it, tried it and decided it wasn't worth it. At one point I was rich, so there was no need for research, I just bought what was the most expensive. Now I spend 25-26 hours a day doing the research. I'm your worst demographic nightmare, an iPhone addicted, DVR watching, iTunes listening, female student. I almost forgot, I'm about to turn thirty. I already had one career in management, now I'm just busting with disposable income. I am finding less and less product promotion in my constantly evolving media world. I have myself figured out......Wouldn't you like to know me? Or at least take my money? Of course, I had to figure out how to reach every other demographic first, because mine is the most difficult.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The 30 year old intern

Free Internet steps that EVERY business needs to take for immediate R.O.I.

I recently joined a social media marketing firm as THE intern. I am a 29ish first year MBA student. I got my undergrad in 2006 with a major in marketing. After college I worked in management for a Fortune 500 company for four years. This company utilized……….gasp………DOS prompt computer programs!! I’m so excited to work for a marketing firm that offers companies forward thinking initiatives to keep up with a constantly evolving customer.

here are the Free Internet steps that EVERY business needs to take for immediate return on investment:

Facebook- Use it, and use it correctly, nothing is worse than someone who doesn’t know how to “do Facebook.” I’m talking to you, dad, I had to remove you from my news feed; not that you would know what that means.

o Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Twitter- Updates two or three times daily will increase exposure, especially if it is something interesting that will get retweeted by followers. If you don’t have time or resources for continuity in updates……don’t have a Twitter account, or just pay us to do it.

Mobile friendly website- People use Smartphones to browse the internet everywhere, from standing in line at the grocery store to sitting on the toilet. (YUCK) Make sure your site is mobile friendly to ensure traffic from Smartphones, tablets, anywhere!

GooglePlaces- Confirm your business location, along with product or service descriptions, to ensure visibility when “Googled.” Even if you don’t have a website, use your Facebook page for your URL. You need to have your contact information at the top of Google…..when was the last time you used a phone book?

it's me, it's me

I am a product of massive consumption.